QUEBEC CITY - BIM for life... your building's life!

Hôtel Hilton Québec - Salle Dufferin
1100 René-Lévesque Blvd East, Quebec G1R 4P3

  • 8 a.m. - registration and breakfast*
  • 8:30 a.m. - start of conference
  • 9:30 a.m. - end of presentation

Did you know? BIM can help make workplace environments safer, healthier and more efficient for clients and occupants throughout the buildings life.

This conference will over lesser known aspects of BIM that are nevertheless very important and useful for property managers, such as:

  • How it can improve asset management and preventive maintenance.
  • 6D - sustainability... 7D... property management... what are the differences?
  • How to use the data you've accumulated throughout the property's life cycle... and much more!

Guest speaker: Danielle Monfet, Professor, École des technologies supérieures


Members : $65                                                                                                                                                                                Students: $26
Non-members: $130
BOMA Event tickets**: 1

Click here to register

* Please advise us of any food intolerance or allergy.

** Only BOMA Québec members can purchase a 10-ticket BOMA Event booklet. The value of one (1) ticket = $62.50  
Registration is mandatory even for ticket holders!
Click here to purchase ticket booklets.