February 19 , 9:30 to 11:15 a.m.
Instructor: Stéphane Carrière, OAQ, OAA Uptime ATS – Architect-Owner Cohésio Architecture
You will receive a hyperlink connection 24 hours before the event, at the latest.
1- BOMA Measurement Standards & Methods (45 Minutes)
- Introduction
- Evolution of measurement standards
- New 2010-2012 Standards
- Gross areas of a building
- Residential
- Multiuse buildings
- MUCA concept (mixed-use common area)
- Commercial
- Industrial
- Offices - IPMS (international property measurement standards)
- BOMA Standards - basic principles
- Applications and interpretation
- 2018-2020 updates
2- BOMA 2010 Standard for measuring Office Space (45 minutes)
- Basic principles 1989 vs 1996 vs 2010 vs 2017
- Measurement principles
- New definitions and terms
- Definition of measured spaces
- Illustrations and concepts
- Method A (as in 1996) vs Method B (virtual corridors and CAP – capped load factor)
- Calculation tables
- Tips and tricks
- Overview of 2017 method
3- Measurement method for Multi-use Buildings
- Overview
4- Questions and Answers (15 minutes)
*Only credit card payments are accepted. Our priority is to confirm your registration quickly and ensure your participation in the activity.
This activity may count as a continuing education credit. Simply request a certificate of attendance at the end of the activity and submit it to the appropriate organization. Please contact your professional order to confirm that the activity is accepted as valid for accreditation.
The registration period ends 24 hours before the event.
Note that you may cancel your ticket up to a maximum of 72 working hours before the event.