Dear Colleagues,
On April 11 you did me the honour of entrusting me with the presidency of BOMA Quebec for the next two years. I have been actively involved in our association for many years now, first as a member of the golf and recruiting committees and then as a member of the Board since 2014, serving in turn as director, treasurer, vice-president and then senior vice-president. I'm very excited to enter this new period of my involvement, eager to meet the challenges that lie ahead and to launch new projects.
I would like to thank and pay tribute to the full-time staff and my colleagues on the working committees, as well as the 2024-2025 BOMA Quebec board of directors. Click here for more details.
Several major initiatives have been launched over the past 24 months and are still underway. I'm thinking in particular of our growing expertise and the support we provide for our members as regards the environment, energy transition, decarbonization of buildings, the revitalization of downtown cores and the ongoing refurbishing of diverse business and office spaces, not to mention the dizzying evolution of artificial intelligence and its extensive impact on everyday life, to name but a few examples.
Other projects will be initiated, including one that for me is really important: the growth and development of BOMA Quebec.
Our association is synonymous with cutting-edge expertise and excellence in all spheres involving the management of property and assets: finance, environment, energy, technologies, ESG, diversity and inclusion, the utilization of diverse spaces, expertise and experience, the vitality of communities and so on. We want access to this collective intelligence to be expanded and communicated more widely to building management professionals in a growing number of sectors.
The Building Energy Challenge has been a step in that direction and a means of welcoming new organizations into our community. Close to 47% of buildings registered in the BEC are in the education, health care, multi-residential, universal and mixed-use sectors, the remaining 53% being office buildings, BOMA Quebec’s traditional sector.
Over the next 2 to 5 years, we intend to solidify our reputation and proactively deploy our services in the multi-residential, institutional and shopping mall sectors. The industrial sector will eventually follow, so don't be surprised to see some new faces in our business community!
This broader positioning will also take shape over the coming months with the roll-out of a new brand image and a new website, more inclusive in its discourse and approach.
While BOMA Quebec is already multidisciplinary in terms of know-how, it will become increasingly multi-sectoral in the support it offers and its network of allies.
Our association will be a cross-Quebec network based on innovation and sharing of expertise, an association serving the growth and development of the industry and all its leaders.
It's a privilege for me to contribute to this growth.
I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.
Christopher Arnaoutelis
Vice-president Operations et Construction, Crofton Moore
President of BOMA Quebec